Welcome to the First Toastmasters Club of Madagascar!


Welcome to the very first Toastmasters Club here in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

We meet physically every other Saturday from 09:00 am to 11:30 am at SKILLZ, Tana Water Front Ambodivona 101. The door opens at 08:30 am so please arrive on time.

If you are late, please wait a little bit until we open the door for you.

We chartered on 1st July 2018 and are now an Official Club with amazing members and guests from all around the world!

The First Toastmasters Club of Madagascar is also part of the District 74.

Is Toastmasters Right for You?

Do you want to become a confident public speaker and strong leader? If so, Toastmasters is the place for you. You’ll find a supportive learn-by-doing environment that allows you to achieve your goals at your own pace. Learn how Toastmasters has changed the lives of members.



Visit a Club

The club is at the heart of your journey. It’s the place you and other club members meet to practice, learn, grow and share. It’s important to find one that’s right for you, and it’s OK to visit a few clubs before joining one.


Become a Member

Once you find your club, joining is easy. As a club member, you become part of a larger international organization that supports you every step of the way.

Choose Your Learning Path

Along your journey, you will work through Toastmasters’ proven program to help you reach your goals. You’ll receive supportive feedback and recognition from club members as you progress through the program.


These dedicated public speakers and leaders are already having an impact: The FIRST Toastmasters Club in Madagascar!

[Genevieve Balderston, English Language Fellow, Member]



This club is so amazing: the environment is perfect for learning the craft of speaking in front of public. Members are there to support you and that’s a big push: you may be afraid during your speech, but they will not laugh or yell at you. To the contrary, they will accompany you during your journey. Sometimes, I ask myself why I did not join them sooner (yeah, it’s that great!). But you know what? Better now than never. So, give it a try and find out for yourself.

[Andy Marc, Member]




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